courses Dutch NT2 and inburgering

Do you want to pass the examens of inburgering or the staatsexamen NT2 quickly? Join our bootcamp dutch! If you will do the homework, we guarantee results.


ONA course


Beginner (A1)

In our courses Dutch for Absolute Beginners we start with the basics and develop your skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. We focus on correct and functional language. You will learn practical language skills like introducing yourself, shopping or travelling by public transport.

Available in the following cities:

Level Beginner (A1 – A2)

In our courses Dutch for Beginners you will further develop your skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. We focus on correct and functional language. You will learn practical language skills like making contact with Dutch people, your General Practitioner, neighbours or colleagues.

Available in the following cities:

For the inscription and schedules please click on the version in dutch.

Level Intermediate (A2 – B1)

In our courses Dutch Level Intermediate you will further develop your skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides using Dutch in everyday situations the course aims at developing skills needed for professional life and schooling.

Available in the following cities:

For the inscription and schedules please click on the version in dutch.

Level Advanced (B1 – B2)

In our courses Dutch Level Advanced you will further develop your skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides using English in everyday situations the course aims – more than the intermediate course – at developing skills needed for professional life and schooling.

Available in the following cities:

For the inscription and schedules please click on the version in dutch.

Level more advanced (B2 – C1)

In our courses Dutch Level more Advanced you will further develop your skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. The course aims at developing skills needed for professional life and schooling on a more abstract level than the advanced course.

Available in the following cities:

For the inscription and schedules please click on the version in dutch.

How can you enroll a course? Just click on the button “inschrijven” (version in dutch!!) and you will enter the paymentprocudure (ideal). After payment you will be registered for a course

If you qualify for a DUO student loan, please register for one of our Dutch courses. If you do not qualify for a loan, you can register by clicking on the course link below.

We offer these courses for students with a higher education (MBO+ or equivalent).

You can assess your starting level by doing the level assessment test.

At the end of the course Conrado will test your level and you will receive a certificate specifying the level that you have reached. If your level has reached the target level of the course you can advance to the course for the next level.