Courses Dutch for private people

Conrado specializes in giving Dutch language courses to foreigners–inburgeraars, expats and anyone else who is interested in learning Dutch. Are you just starting to learn Dutch? Then our speedy and simple Survivors Dutch course is perfect for you. Do you already speak and write Dutch? Then, Conrado can help you to perfect your Dutch language skills.

Levels and Intensity

With Conrado, you can reach four different target levels of Dutch: A1, A2, B1 and B2. You can do the The Civic Integration Exam (Inburgeringsexamen) – from abroad on level A1 for speaking, reading and listening. If you have reached level A2, you can do the Inburgeringsexamen for newcomers to the Netherlands. You can also achieve a NT2 diploma. This proves that your Dutch is of a sufficient standard to study and work in the Netherlands. You can take the NT2 exam training on two levels. B1 is the level for the State Exam Dutch as a Second Language (NT2) program I[NG1]   (staatsexamen 1) and B2 is the level for the State Exam Dutch as a Second Language (NT2) program II (staatsexamen 2).

If you want to know what your level is do the language test.

Conrado offers you the opportunity to reach an even higher level than B2. Just contact us for a free personal consultation.

We offer extensive, semi-intensive and intensive group courses with a maximum of 12 students per group at different times. Check out our Dutch courses for the full schedule. Following a Summer Course or another intensive course is also possible. If course hours or locations are not convenient for you, or if you prefer private lessons or distance learning, please contact us.


Conrado likes to help students find a trainee post, voluntary work or a language coach. This enables you to build up your knowledge and put into practice what you have learned. Conrado has been building up a large network over the past few years specifically to help you make new contacts. Please let us know when you register for a course if you would like us to help.

Register Now!

As well as being fast and efficient, learning Dutch with Conrado is cost-effective! Check out our courses. You can enrol for a course via our registration section.